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How to Make a Website on Jimdo: A Step-by-Step Tutorial for Newbies

5 min read
Key Features to Utilise on Your New Jimdo Website

Are you ready to launch your very own website? With Jimdo, creating an online home for your passions and pursuits is a total breeze. In just a few simple steps, you’ll go from tech newbie to website wizard. Whether you want to share your hobbies with the world, promote your small business, or simply express your creativity, Jimdo makes it possible for anyone to craft a custom site. With professional templates, an intuitive editor, and helpful features, Jimdo takes the hassle out of building your digital space. Before you know it, you’ll be adding photos, tweaking themes, and publishing your pages for all to see. Get excited – your new website awaits! In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to make a website on Jimdo step by step. By the end, you’ll feel like a website pro.

Setting Up Your Jimdo Account

Are you ready to build your very first website? Jimdo makes it fun and easy. Head to and click “Start now”. Enter your email to sign up for a free account. Choose a username and password you’ll remember, and you’re in!

Next, pick a design you love. Jimdo offers stylish templates for every type of site – online store, blog, portfolio, you name it. Preview different options until one makes you smile. Select it, and Jimdo will automatically apply it to your site.

Time to add your content! Click “Edit site” to get started. Jimdo’s editor is super simple to use. Just click where you want to add text, images, buttons, and more. Need to move something? Drag and drop. Change fonts or colors with the click of a button.

Have an online shop? Add products the same way. Enter details like name, price, and description. Jimdo takes care of the rest, from checkout to shipping.

Your site is coming together! Keep tweaking and refining until you have something you’re proud to share with the world. Preview how it will look to visitors and make any final changes.

Once you’re satisfied, congratulations – your website is live! Jimdo will host it for free so you can focus on growing your business or sharing your passion. You did it! Now spread the word – your new website is open for visitors. Let the adventure begin!

Choosing and Customising a Template

Once you’ve signed up for your free Jimdo account, it’s time to choose a template to get your website up and running. Jimdo offers stylish templates for every purpose – pick one that suits your needs!

For this tutorial, we’ll use the ‘Blank’ template. It’s a clean slate, perfect for learning the basics. After selecting your template, give your site a name and click ‘Create website’ – you’re all set to start customizing!

First, add an eye-catching header image to your homepage. Click ‘Change image’ and select a high-quality photo that represents your site’s purpose or brand. For extra flair, add a text box over your image.

Next, create pages for your most important content. Click ‘Add page’ and give each page a title and layout. Add text, images, videos, and more to bring your pages to life! Link pages together using the ‘Link to page’ button to help visitors navigate.

Then come to the finishing touches – your site’s colors, fonts, and icons. Go to ‘Design’ to choose a color scheme and typography that matches your brand. Select icons to give your text links and buttons a professional look.

Once your site is all polished up, click ‘Save and publish’ to share it with the world! You now have a fully functioning website built with Jimdo. Keep improving your site by adding new content, fresh images, and extra features like photo galleries, contact forms, or an online store. The possibilities are endless!

How’s that? Your very own website is just a few clicks away. Happy creating!

Key Features to Utilise on Your New Jimdo Website

Key Features to Utilise on Your New Jimdo Website

Once you’ve created your Jimdo website, it’s time to make the most of its useful features! Jimdo offers everything you need to create an attractive, professional site.

Customize your design

Jimdo provides stylish templates to choose from, so you can select a look you love. Then customize it by adding your brand colors, fonts, and a striking header image. Play around with the layout, move sections around, and make the site your own. You have total control!

Add striking images

A picture is worth a thousand words. Upload photos, illustrations, and graphics to bring your site to life. Place images strategically throughout your content and in the gallery section. Captivating images keeps visitors engaged and conveys your brand message.

Include social media

Link your social media profiles like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to your site. This allows visitors to connect with you on their favorite platforms and helps to increase traffic. Staying active on social media and promoting your website will boost your search ranking too.

Blog about your passion

Start a blog to share your knowledge, build authority, and connect with your audience. Write about topics you’re passionate about and that interest your target market. A regular blog, even just once a month, gives visitors a reason to return to your site.

Go mobile-friendly

Over half of all web traffic now comes from mobile devices. Jimdo automatically optimizes your site for mobile viewing so visitors can access your content on the go. Your site will look stylish and professional regardless of the screen size.

With all these features at your fingertips, you’ll have an amazing Jimdo website up and running in no time! Let your creativity flow and don’t be afraid to experiment. You can always change things around again later. Most importantly, have fun with the process!


So there you have it, your very own website up and running! You’ve registered, chosen a stylish template, added engaging content, and customized everything to reflect your unique personality. Launching a website has never been easier thanks to the simplicity and intuitiveness of Jimdo. Now your creative ideas and inspiring stories can reach people all around the world. What are you waiting for? Share your website, spread the word on social media, and watch with delight as visitors flock to your online home. A whole new world of opportunity awaits. The power is in your hands now – use it to achieve your dreams, build new connections, and make a positive impact. The possibilities are endless!

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